Hair Loss University is dedicated to educating, mentoring and providing hands-on training to salon and hair thinning and loss professionals, the team at Hair Loss University, led by leading hair loss expert Jeffrey Paul, is producing true experts in the field of hair thinning and loss.
Hair Loss University is open for salon and trichology professionals who want to focus on building trusting relationships with new clients, who are ready to identify hair thinning and loss solutions for guests and who are dedicated to educating and empowering their clients with a message of hope.
From Master's Courses to Live Events and our Membership Program, we make sure to welcome everyone to give them the opportunity to grow wherever they are at in their career!
The content at Hair Loss University is created and provided to you by coaches who are among the leading professionals in the hair thinning/loss industry.
Constantly evolving and keeping up with the latest trends and techniques, our masterminds will teach you what they know as then continue to learn and demonstrate it.
"Hair Loss University has been years in the making. Our team wanted a space that was more than top-level education, but a space for community and personal coaching. I’ve been in this business for more than 30 years and have seen what happens when individuals with drive are given the tools they need to succeed—they flourish. Our goal at Hair Loss University is to help you success in your business and in life!”
Jeffrey Paul’s career has spanned the last 35 years, taking him from the runways of Milan to Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers Studios.
Hair replacement and restoration came into focus for Jeffrey when his niece, a leukemia patient, asked for his help. In the process, he discovered his life’s mission: to serve the physical and emotional needs of individuals who have been scarred by disease, injury, and trauma.
He is the Founder of Hair Loss University, Jeffrey Paul’s Hair & Scalp Specialists as well as the Founder with his wife Zina, of Wigs for Kids - a national non-profit organization that provides custom-made Hair Replacement Systems at no cost to children losing their hair due to medical reasons.
Jeffrey is also the author of two books: Women’s Hair Solutions to Thinning and Loss (for consumers) and Solutions to Women’s Hair Thinning and Loss (for professionals).
While he conducts seminars and workshops for salon and spa professionals in the United States and Canada, teaching the latest techniques for hair restoration and replacement—his true passion is Hair Loss University, and its roll role in transforming the lives of his salon and trichology professionals giving them the ability to transform their hair loss clients lives.